18 June, 2009

random thoughts

Just when I thought of going back into my room to continue GG, I'm spending extra 1 hour to read some blog's older posts. Interesting tho, I can catch up all the single things you've done every single day, that I din't know, not bad.

The problem is I'm kinda into the reading and I din't want to move my ass away from the very nice wooden antique chair that I always sit when I online, cause it cools my ass off. Well, back to the story, I din't know, you can cook. I din't know you're actually a person that loves & appreciate your parents alot. I din't know, you're a person with deep thoughts. I din't know, reading your past can be so fun to me.

Besides the slow loading speed, everything's just so great to read about. Hah, obviously I'm try to be a deep blogger here, but I'm a shallow & simple person whattodo? So I'm moving my ass into my room and watch GG.

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